Parking Lot Accidents: How You Can Recover Due Damages

Just about everyone has done it – opened their door too quick and accidentally dinged the car next to them in the parking lot. Usually, it isn't even noticeable. However, some parking lot accidents are much more serious and can even cause injury. What do you do when you are involved in a parking lot accident and your car has endured serious damage? Here are three options that you have for recovering damages: [Read More]

Avoid Accidents With Motorcyclists This Spring

Warmer spring weather often brings out motorcyclists hoping to enjoy the freedom of the open road. As a automobile driver, it's your responsibility to share the road safely with other vehicles, including motorcycles. Because of their small size and different handling capability, motorcyclists are often overlooked in traffic by automobile drivers. This mistake can lead to accidents and injuries. Knowing how to properly share the road with motorcyclists can help you avoid tragedy this season. [Read More]

What Not To Do With Your Auto Accident Claim

No matter the injuries or level of property damage, auto accident claims are not open and shut cases. There are a number of factors that can have a positive or negative effect on a case, including your own actions. Make sure you know what not to do with your accident case. Not Cooperating with your Physician When it comes to an auto accident claim, the word and instruction of your physician should be perceived as gold. [Read More]

Family Court: What's A Name Got To Do With It?

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can really hurt you–people who've gone through a divorce often know just how abusive and destructive name-calling can be. Name calling is a form of emotional abuse, which is a factor in divorce about 24% of the time for men and about 55% of the time for women. Name-calling also has the potential to drag you back into court, long after the final divorce decree is written. [Read More]