Buying a house can be a difficult process, and you will hope that the real estate agent will make your life easier and not create more work for you. However, some real estate agents are incompetent, and you may even find yourself in a situation where you have to sue your own real estate agent with the help of a real estate attorney.
The Consequences of an Incompetent Real Estate Agent
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Why Punitive Damages Are Tied To Compensatory Damages
If you are injured because you used a product that was defective, you might be entitled to both compensatory damages and punitive damages. This is usually the case if you suffer damages as a result of gross negligence on the part of the product manufacturer and the judge wants to punish the manufacturer for that negligence. However, the judge is limited in how high the punitive damages can be due to the 14th Amendment.
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Why You Should Hire A Discrimination Lawyer If You Are Facing Racial Discrimination At Work
Unfortunately, racial discrimination is an issue in many of today's workplaces. If you suffer from racial discrimination while you're on the job, you could be wondering if anything can be done about it. If this is a situation that you are dealing with, you should definitely hire a discrimination lawyer as soon as possible. These are just some of the reasons why working with one of these legal professionals can be a good idea when you're going through this type of situation.
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Has COVID-19 Closed You Off From Your Loved One? How To Identify Signs Of Nursing Home Abuse
If your loved one is in a nursing home, you know that things have changed. COVID-19 shutdowns have now made it impossible for you to have in-person visits with your loved one. These restrictions are designed to protect the elderly from exposure to the virus. But, they've had the adverse effect of increasing the risk for nursing home abuse. That's because family members are no longer able to monitor the care that their loved ones are receiving.
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