Pushing For Support From Veterans Affairs Claims

Navigating the Department of Veterans Affairs' compensation system can be difficult, and it may be even harder when dealing with head pain. Whether you're the victim of traumatic injury or suffering an unknown pain source, you need to get some sort of compensation or assistance before the problem gets worse. As you plan your claim, take the time to understand a few Veterans Affairs (VA) claim system characteristics to make your claim as successful as possible. [Read More]

How To Sue Your Doctor For Misdiagnosis

Medical misdiagnosis accounts for 15% of patient suffering according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. A wrongful diagnosis can cause needless suffering and death of a patient. However, a misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis is not always a case of medical malpractice. Here are some tips on how to prove wrongful diagnosis: Determine If the Doctor Made a Diagnostic Mistake In order to file a claim, you must determine if the doctor was negligent and made a diagnostic mistake. [Read More]

Considering Mediation For Your Divorce? 5 Signs That It Might Not Be Right For You

If you're trying to maintain control of expenses during a divorce, you may be considering mediation. In the best of circumstances, mediation can keep legal expenses down, reduce the amount of time spent in negotiations, and eliminate the need for a drawn out court battle. However, there are times when mediation is not recommended. Take a look at the list below. If any of the situations apply to you, mediation might not be in your best interest. [Read More]

You Still Have A Case: Understanding Partial Fault In Car Accidents

A car accident isn't always simply one person's fault or another. Sometimes, blame and liability for the accident can exist between all parties involved. The main problem with partial fault is it can create a legal tangle. It can also prevent you from receiving the compensation you need for injuries and damages. All or Nothing It's easy to believe personal injury lawsuits are "all or nothing" endeavors, but that's inaccurate. Even if you have partial liability in a car accident, it doesn't mean you cannot receive some compensation for medical bills or missed wages. [Read More]