How A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Repayment Plan Works
When you start working on filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case, your lawyer will create a repayment plan to present to the court. If the court approves it, you must follow this plan to receive the relief you need from bankruptcy. Before you file, you might have some questions about how the plan will work. Here are some details to understand about a Chapter 13 repayment plan if you want to use this branch for debt relief.
Why Parking Tickets Sometimes Lead To More Serious Charges
Depending on where you park your car, you might expect to receive nothing more than an inconvenient parking ticket. But under some circumstances, a parking ticket can be a legal disaster. If you are facing a large number of parking tickets or other consequences related to your parking tickets, you may need to speak with a criminal defense attorney. In some cases, a parking ticket can lead to an officer having probable cause and searching your vehicle.
How A Corporate Lawyer Can Help You Throughout An Acquisition
Acquiring a company can be a great way to grow your business and your acquisition can then be integrated into how you do business. By acquiring a business, you may be able to acquire valuable technology or you may be able to tap into a new market. However, you will need help from a corporate lawyer at each step of the way.
Evaluating a Company
In the early stages of acquisition, you will need an attorney who can assist you in performing a strategic evaluation and due diligence.
Get A 24/7 Bail Bond After Family Assault Charges
If you have been arrested and charged with a crime related to assault on a family member or believe you may in the near future, learning more about bail bonds is a good idea. A 24/7 bail bond can provide you with a quick release from jail so that you can get back to your life.
Here's what you should know about a bail bond following a family assault.
When Should You Contact a Bail Bond Professional?
Who Is Liable After An Accident Involving A Defective Wheelchair-Modified Vehicle?
If you are using a wheelchair, you may need to have a car modified so that you can remain in your wheelchair while being driven from one location to another. These vehicles are supposed to be modified so that they can be operated safely. However, there are no regulations for how these vehicles should be modified and you might be entitled to compensation if you are injured because of a defective vehicle.
Consider These Big Issues That Make Up A Comprehensive Estate Plan
You know you need to make a last will and testament, but an estate plan goes so much further. While the below list is not comprehensive, it may trigger you to call an estate lawyer and find out more.
1. Avoiding Probate — What if you could make things easier for your loved ones and address some estate needs at the same time? Ask your estate lawyer about using these probate avoidance moves:
Do You Need To Hire A Special Education Lawyer?
Every child deserves to get the best education that's right for them. While this might be easier for kids without physical challenges, those who have disabilities do face problems. In many cases, they might be treated unfairly, and someone needs to intercede to protect their rights and ensure they acquire the care they need in school.
If your physically challenged child has special needs and challenges with their education, you should get a special education lawyer.
A Guide On Bankruptcy Attorneys
Are you considering filing for bankruptcy? Bankruptcy exerts a lot of pressure due to the debt burden. Filling for bankruptcy may offer relief, but it is not a straightforward process. One requires some legal understanding and careful planning. A bankruptcy attorney can come in to guide you through the process. It is crucial to understand whether you need a bankruptcy attorney by assessing the services they offer.
Assessing the Need for a Bankruptcy Attorney?
Reasons To Legal Action Against An Incompetent Real Estate Agent
Buying a house can be a difficult process, and you will hope that the real estate agent will make your life easier and not create more work for you. However, some real estate agents are incompetent, and you may even find yourself in a situation where you have to sue your own real estate agent with the help of a real estate attorney.
The Consequences of an Incompetent Real Estate Agent
Why Punitive Damages Are Tied To Compensatory Damages
If you are injured because you used a product that was defective, you might be entitled to both compensatory damages and punitive damages. This is usually the case if you suffer damages as a result of gross negligence on the part of the product manufacturer and the judge wants to punish the manufacturer for that negligence. However, the judge is limited in how high the punitive damages can be due to the 14th Amendment.